Monday 3 March 2014

Where do babies come from?

I was asked the question.

I have been asked it before but this time I knew 5 year old female child was serious

So I asked a questions back "Do you want to know all the details or some of the details"

"Oh only half the details Mum"

"Ok well a man has sperm and the woman has the egg and they need to come together to make a baby."

"Well how do they meet, the man and woman?"

And then I got it, the question wasn't about how babies are made at all. It was about how one meets a partner to make babies. So this is what I said:

If you carry on with doing,  what you love you will meet someone who loves what you do as they are on the same or similar path. Daddy and I met because I was travelling the world, at the time working on boats and he was doing the same thing. Then Daddy and I got talking, lots of talking and we wanted the same thing for the future too. Grandad and Grandma met because they were living and working in North Queensland in the same place. Grandad had been travelling the world and loved this part of the Australian coast and had already decided he wanted to stop for a while and settle down for a bit.

The next part of the story I was telling went along the lines of knowing someone is "the one" when you feel that connection and feel they will support you, nurture you and love you enough to want to do the same for any children that come along through you.

I have to admit I felt a little inadequate, how did I really know? Did I really consciously make this choice and am I telling the right story to someone so young so vulnerable so unknowing? When I talked to hubby he asked me to "rate myself", know that she is asking that question of the right person, her mother who she loves trusts and is truly asking the question because of this.

Upon reflection I felt honoured and humbled. It is a beautiful thing to be the window through to possibilities for the future, to be the knowledge base by which one creates their own path.

She is such a empathic, caring, kind, considerate individual, this five year old who came through me. I truly feel honoured to simply be her mother and have the opportunity to relearn all these traits when I see them being played out in such a pure form xx

Wednesday 12 February 2014

And "they" said I couldn't write :)

I am coming out of a cloud of judgment, should's, have too's achievement, money desires, blah blah blah......

Why is this important for me to change, because I see the light to a different place, one of connection, deep relationships, understanding, unconditional LOVE, being authentic and feeling true feelings for all their ups and downs.

Where does it start? Right here within me, only I can do this, only I can make the changes, follow through with threads of despair, delve deep into that hole of darkness to recognise that all I need is to see ME, really LOVE who I am and therefore have the resources and LOVE for all that is......its a beautiful thing, one that still becomes elusive at times.....

How does it happen? By being still, really feeling, really listening, breathing slowly deeply.....understand, breathe, hear, breathe listen, breathe, touch, breathe, smell breathe, go deep within.....

What for? For a better life, one of freedom from the constraints and limitations thrust upon me from generations before, one that doesn't require any material things, one that doesn't see the world in compartments, one that doesn't see the world as separation and competition.





LOVE is all there is......LIVE THIS and great things happen xx

....and I was told (by those that know;))all through school, all through university that I couldn't spell and I couldn't I AM!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Acknowledge, Accept, Allow

I acknowledge where I am in this moment

I accept where I am in this moment

I allow things to flow as they will in this moment.....

Some long held beliefs have been bugging me
* Making money is important
* Creating BIG change in many people is important
* Helping others is important
* Multitasking is possible

So I have been feeling them, sitting with them and now writing about them to see what transpires. Making money is NOT important for me, allowing abundance to flow, YES, and this happens when blockages are released and intentions are set in line with core values. Money simply comes and goes along with happiness, sadness.......and ALL the many areas of being human. Money is energy, it is not needed by itself, it comes with positive vibes of living a life from my own inner truth.

Creating BIG change in others lives I no longer believe IS possible. The only way I can create change is by being myself, delving deep within to reach for the authentic me, from this comes inner change and others may suit these ideas , see and hear a position they agree with others may not. Individuals choose the change they need in their lives.

Helping others is important YES as long as I am in alignment with the moment. I need to balance my energy, listen to my body and its needs and helping others will come naturally as we humans love each others company (well mostly :))

Multitasking is possible, no longer feels right for me. It still happens in my life for sure, with two small people and a myriad of projects on the go. I simply, in this moment believe it is difficult to do justice to any one thing if i am juggling a few things.....

So what does this look like for my reality?

Learning more about how abundance energy looks like for me, living more sustainably and not feeling tied to the "system" and all the obligations this brings. Looking at needs versus wants and motivation behind wants. Listening to my inner truth and wisdom, knowing that my truth will bring what ever it brings as long as I follow my heart great things happen in the form of special moments that I can only appreciate by living in the moment and focussing on the present happening. Whether that be doing the dishes to keep order in our home, or working with a group of children on a project, cooking a nourishing meal or gardening to create the food for our meals. Knowing what I love to do and doing it, taking a rest when my body asks, connecting to nature in a way that nourishes my soul xx

Monday 13 January 2014

A New Era

We moved country, from Australia to New Zealand July 2013. I left behind a strong group of SelfDesigning, home learning families with an intention of starting a new group here in New Zealand to join on this journey of living and learning together. It didn't take long to generate interest as we already had a network of friends from our previous stint in NZ and being 'like minded' some were interested in home learning with their children.

The group has stayed small with four families and this got me thinking how can this community of learners look for us. After establishing a facebook page called Taranaki Learners (named after the province we live) which at the time of this writing has nearly 50 members, I noticed that apart from those signed up to SeflDesign Learning Circle no one else was ready to take the leap and leave school behind or not use the system.

As creating a community of Learners has been something I have been thinking about for a few years, and felt very passionate about, this seemed like a great opportunity to go for it! So what was stopping me from creating a community of learners? Yes a nearly three year old still needs a little more time, though nearly 6 year old wanted playmates closer to her age everyday. Delving deeper the fears came up, not being good enough, not "succeeding", not being heard and seen to have something of value to give. Processing that by acknowledging, accepting and allowing these feelings to be I am able to move on with renewed excitement for life as we begin this new era of learning as a group.

I am being in a place of no expectation and open to possibility by setting clear intentions knowing that these are open to change with the needs of the group, all ages having the same input.

We start tomorrow using SelfDesign tools and the framework at our core, I am so very excited at the same time feeling present, centred and balanced in the knowledge that what ever unfolds it is the process and each moment that is to be relished and enjoyed what ever emotions this brings up for me.......the rainbow of life xx