Saturday, 14 May 2011

SelfDesign "The Book"

"Nuturing Genius through Self Design" by Brent Cameron with Barbara Meyer, is a book we will be looking at and working through together - the adults in our Buds of Life group :). Anyone else is more than welcome to join us on this part of our journey! "As the self evolves, the design of our lives reflects this proportional growth, and our plans and passions shift accordingly. This is the heart of the self design process" Barbara Meyer. As this metodology involves a process of changing our beliefs about how education can be, my intention is for us to be able to work together to recognise how this will fit into our lives and look when we are interacting with ourselves , our children, and each other.

The Intro discusses conservation and innovation and finding the balance between using what has already been and using something new. Self Design is about living in alignment with our own natures which therefore creates the greatest balance. Not only our children will feel happy and fulfilled we as adults feel happy and fulfilled and everyone benefits.

I loved the analogy of gluing wings on a caterpillar that is used describing the current model of schooling where as to allow our childrens gifts to uniqely unfold "our caterpillars to metomorphose into butterflies" their natural learning ability can be nutured and they will fly with passion and understanding of how joyful life can be.


  1. Yesterday I had a wonderful conversation about the importance of community, this chapter of Self Design also goes into the responsibility for holding the balance of the universe is with all of us. By working as a community we can nurture each other and bring out the best in everyone. We just need to establish that community and begin to work collaboratively towards "wellness, balance, congruence, integrity and fulfillment". This comes with the strong relationships we form with our families and each other....our children learn so much from being part of this :)

  2. I WANT TO MOVE TO BALI!! I found what Brent Cameron had to say about the sense of community over there so inspiring. Makes you want to strive for THAT - here and now!

  3. ...and we will! If we work towards collaborative learning strategies and project-based experiences and keeping positive relationships at the core, the children will experience together the joy and wonder of this amazing world we live in.

  4. I have been a little behind ladies but I am steaming ahead now.....thanks to the universe for a slight gentle push in the way of 3 children reminding me of why I want to embrace a more holistic approach to their learning and 2 very clear interactions one after the other!! Anyway, am just starting to read so will add something soon but just wanting to extend my gratitude to all of you especially Penny for being there on the same/similar path to me and my family, it would be such a lonley defeating road without you! xo

  5. Ditto to you...... and your beautiful food! Very grateful!! I was marvelling today on how lucky we are here in Mackay. There is also a wonderful community on line called "unschoolers get together" will send you the link and everyone else on face book :)
