Sunday, 23 September 2012

Rethinking Everything

The changes have been dramatic since the last time I posted. There has been two unschooling conferences, plus a heap of work with our online Learning Community. My energy has increased ten fold as I have let go of so many limitations around tv, food, my time, the children's time, how we use/or don't use our time.

I have been learning myself, kite boarding, crochet, poi's, blogging and other computer activities around recording what the children have been up to using evernote. I have been learning how I learn and been curious with myself and what I enjoy in each moment. Noticing when I feel uncomfortable and listening to my needs.......Self Nurture and Love and with this comes the ability to give true authentic love to others.

The connection with the children and Jason has been incredible, we have reached a new level, as a family, of togetherness that feels so very beautiful, natural and loving......I know there is room for more growth and forever grateful for the place we are at NOW. As this is all there is, now.

I have been asking myself the question, am I happy now? If not why not, what is stopping me and usually there is a negative thought that is far from the reality of the situation creeping around in my mind and ruining the serenity of now :)

More often than not I can dissipate this negative thought quickly, if it is something that requires action this is usually something achievable immediately to bring us back to the easy flow of life. The challenges are seen as just that and not a "problem" that needs fixing rather just another way of recognising contrast and areas of growth.

It comes down to peace......I feel so peaceful even in the face of the challenges as these are always a part of life and necessary. The growth is the part of being human and adaptable to changes, it is fun to see this as a new learning threshold